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Olympic Flame Romania
Tanda CopywritingSponsor
Tanda Copywriting Icon
Tanda Copywriting will give you copywriting that sells or else we will redo it for free until you’re 100% satisfied.
0556689611 | View ProfileBucharest, Romania Romania
Bailiff Bucharest - Ulman BogdanSponsor
Bailiff Bucharest - Ulman Bogdan Icon
Biroul Executor Judecatoresc Ulman Bogdan din Bucuresti este specializat in punerea in executare a dispozitiilor cu caracter civil, comercial, penal, contencios administrativ si dreptul muncii, precum si in notificarea actelor, comunicarea actelor de procedura, recuperari de creante, evacuari, procese-verbale de oferta reala, puneri in posesie, predare de bunuri, confiscari, executari silite mobiliare si imobiliare.
728 978 797 | View ProfileBucuresti, Romania
Cabinet de Avocat Sidonia TudorSponsor
Cabinet de Avocat Sidonia Tudor Icon
Cabinet de Avocat Sidonia Tudor ofera consultanta, asistenta si reprezentare juridica in toate domeniile de interes ale dreptului. Principiile si viziunea noastra sunt sutinute de profesionalismul cu care intelegem sa raspundem solicitarilor clientilor nostri. Echipa noastra cu siguranta va gasi solutia perfecta pentru cazul dvs.
0040747307729 | View ProfileBucuresti, Bucuresti Romania
Docexpress Icon
DocExpress Auto Document Service: how does it work?The steps to follow are very simple, our application ensuring the step by step through each stage, so that the complicated forms become something very simple.
0755522225 | View ProfileBucuresti, Romania
Alexandra Toderica Avocat Drept Penal, Civil IasiSponsor
Alexandra Toderica Avocat Drept Penal, Civil Iasi Icon
Are you dealing with a legal matter that needs immediate attention? Not sure where to turn? Don't let delays complicate your situation. Consulting a lawyer promptly can have a significant impact on the outcome of your case. At Alexandra Toderica's law firm, we know the legal landscape inside and out, and we're well-equipped to provide the legal advice you need. We pride ourselves on our ability to respond to our clients in a timely manner, ensuring that you receive prompt, clear, and effective guidance when you need it most. Imagine having a dedicated legal advocate by your side, providing counsel when you need it most, and navigating the complexities of the legal system on your behalf. By seeking our professional legal advice, you won't just be responding to your legal issues; you'll be taking proactive steps to safeguard your interests and secure the best possible outcome. Don't wait. The importance of timely legal action cannot be overstated. Consult with a lawyer near you at Alexandra Toderica's law firm. We're ready and waiting to provide the prompt legal advice you need. Contact us today and allow us to guide you through your legal journey with skill, compassion, and timeliness.
+40 755 257 036 | View ProfileIa?i, Romania
Budusan & AssociatesSponsor
Budusan & Associates Icon
The law firm in Romania that is a member of TEN – The European Network. This network includes law firms from 12 European countries such as Spain, France, Germany and Sweden.It was founded by Luiza Budu?an – founder & coordinator – and at present it has 21 lawyers who cover different but related areas of practice. All attorneys of the law firm are always prepared to provide to any virtual client services of the highest quality, ensuring them that their interests are well protected.
+40264431568 | View ProfileCluj-Napoca, Transylvania Romania
LegalZen Icon
LegalZen ofera acces la modele de contracte si acte intocmite de avocati, cat si la consultanta juridica pentru persoane fizice si juridice. LegalZen are scopul de a simplifica (timp & bani) crearea de documente legale si dorinta de a ajuta mediul de business romanesc sa se dezvolte sanatos.Din echipa LegalZen fac parte avocati si oameni de finante si resurse umane, cu experienta profesionala de peste 15 ani. Adresa la care ne puteti gasi este Strada Soldat Gheorghe Pripu nr 16, Bucuresti, 014376.
+40 757 118 877 | View ProfileBucuresti, Romania
Stegaroiu si AsociatiiSponsor
Stegaroiu si Asociatii Icon
Stegaroiu este o echipa formata din profesioni?ti cu experien?a în litigii ?i consultan?a, ofera solu?ii juridice personalizate, continuând tradi?ia începuta în 1937 de catre prof. dr. av. Constantin C. Stegaroiu ?i prof. dr. av. Dan C. Stegaroiu. Valorile principale ale echipei includ confiden?ialitatea, calitatea ?i creativitatea, aplicate în fiecare caz juridic. Echipa î?i propune sa dezvolte rela?ii durabile cu clien?ii, bazate pe încredere reciproca ?i respectarea deontologiei profesionale.
View ProfileCluj Napoca, Romania