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Olympic Flame Italy
VEIPAN SrlSponsor
La VEIPAN Srl è presente sul mercato da parecchi anni già come Movicar, nel settore commercio e assistenza macchine movimento terra.
+39 0171.262134 | View ProfileBorgo San Dalmazzo, Italy
Air Compressor ItalySponsor
Air Compressor Italy Icon
ROTAIR SPA, has more than 50 years of activity in design, manufacturing and distribution of a wide range of high technology products for construction and agricultural industry.Rotair designs and manufactures a wide range of products like Portable Compressor Manufacturer, electric compressors and multi- functional dumpers, hydraulic breakers and cutters.Rotair designs and manufactures a wide range durable and profitable, portable air compressors. Rotair offers a wide range of Air Compressor Italy, from small to huge, standard or with inverter.For more details, visit our website
39 0171 619676 | View ProfileCaraglio, Italy
Toyama Icon
Toyama is the noticeable name in giving ideal quality tracks to excavator and also excavator used wheeled (escavatore usato gommato). Their tracks elastic utilized as a fundamental component in the hard work machines, agrarian types of gear and in the robots.
View ProfileCardano, Forlì Italy
Acorn MontascaleSponsor
Acorn Montascale Icon
Sin da quando è stata fondata nel 1992, Acorn si è impegnata al massimo per stabilire nuovi standard di qualità e di innovazione nel settore dei montascale. La progettazione all’avanguardia ha permesso ad Acorn di crescere fino a diventare l’azienda leader mondiale, specializzata esclusivamente nella produzione ed installazione di montascale.
800 684 864 | View ProfileCascina, Pisa, Toscana Italy
KBW PackagingSponsor
KBW Packaging Icon
Manufacturer of Capping, Liquid Filling and Tablet Counting Machines
0044 (0)1252 322220 | View ProfileHants, Italy
Our company is ready to support you in sheet metal and tube production solutions. We are ready to offer you economic and reliable sheet metal machines as well as the tooling for main worldwide brands in the industry.We offer the standard press brake bending tooling for competitive prices and perfect quality as well as the special solutions for customer's needs till 8000 mm in one piece for Promecam, Trumpf-Wila and Beyeler systems, standard and special punching tooling for Thick Turret and Trumpf systems, tube bending tools for CNC tube bending machines, even for complicated shapes and bends including several planes and bend-in-bend, tube end forming tools and sheet metal fabrication machinery.
+39 0280886585 | View ProfileMilan, Lombardia Italy
Press brake ToolingSponsor
Press brake tooling Icon
We offer high quality italian press brake tools and tooling for the most of CNC press brake manufacturers worldwide (system Promecam - European; Trumpf-WILA; Beyler-Bystronic; EHT; Colgar; LVD; Colly-Ajial and other). We have big variation of standard tooling available for delivery max. 7 working days and we are able to follow any special tools and applications including big height tools for deep bending, special forming tools and parts, long solid pieces up to 6000-8000 mm in one pieces, HD tools, heavy duty and high tonnage applications and tooling for tandem press brakes. We can provide the first grade quality, everything is origin from Italy, high-quality materials and professional support for any project.
View ProfileMilano, Italy
Mugs and MoreSponsor
Mugs and More Icon
Le tazze sono un ottimo veicolo di distribuzione del vostro logo aziendale. Fatevi trovare con una tazza stampata con il vostro logo. Naturalmente per produrre le Tazza mug personalizzata la nostra azienda è l’unica che può darvi una qualità altissima senza andare in cina.
+39 345 1596615 | View ProfileMsida, Malta Italy
Shimifrez  Icon
Photo etching and electroforming of high precision sheet metal products
9056956898 | View ProfileVaughan, Italy
ThinkRace ItalySponsor
ThinkRace Italy Icon
ThinkRace is a decade old company engaged in manufacturing all kind of GPS tracking product for safety & security. Having team of more than 300 workers & 80+ hardware and software engineer in China, India, Canada, Vietnam, Netherlands, Indonesia & across the globe. Our clients include small and medium sized businesses to large, global organizations.
View ProfileVenice, Italy
Retificio RibolaSponsor
Retificio Ribola Icon
Produzione di reti in fibre sintetiche, reti sportive, reti anticaduta, reti di recinzione, reti per voliere, teli per container.
+39 030 9828358 | View ProfileTimoline di C.F., Italy
Airlock Icon
Airlock is a trademark owned by Desipak Service Srl.Born in 1987, we are professionals in the production of air cushion machines since 1998.We design and produce machines, consumables and provide solutions for packaging lines.We offer our customers a team of highly qualified experts, guaranteeing maximum efficiency, transparency, reliability and professionalism.We have a commercial and technical organization able to study the customers' needs, find the solution and accompany them until reaching the goal and closing the project.
+39 0577 944788 | View ProfileBadia A Elmi, Italy
Prometallicum, azienda specializzata nelle lavorazioni in ferro con sede nella provincia di Torino, effettua molteplici lavorazioni di carpenteria metallica. In particolare ringhiere, recinzioni metalliche, cancelli in ferro battuto, scale di sicurezza in ferro ed in acciaio inox, ma anche porte metalliche e portoni per garage.
+39 328 696 3159 | View ProfileRome, Italy
Vamp SrlSponsor
Vamp Srl Icon
Since 1978 we have been producing high quality masterbatches. VAMP is the global provider of solutions, high technology formulations for the thermoplastic industry. Thanks to 30 years of experience in the plastics sector it enjoys a consolidated reputation in terms of quality and services. Its product range includes self-extinguishing masterbatches, process additives and color masterbatches. Today VAMP means tradition and innovation, a tradition of a past that has allowed us to gain a solid exper
035 493 3290 | View ProfileMasserano, Italy
Quiko Italy SrlSponsor
Quiko Italy Srl Icon
Quiko is a premium brand when it comes to providing automation systems for doors & gates. Founded in 1968, Quiko has established itself in the market for their invention, design, and production of gear motors for automation systems. The company has gained immense experience in manufacturing automation systems, which is the evidence of producing reliable and durable products as per the standard and custom applications. We intrinsically design & develop the gear motors at our state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and our highly trained technicians make sure that every procedure up to the final assembly is performed with utmost precision.
39 444 785513 | View ProfileSossano, Vicenza Italy
Agrifercremona itSponsor Icon
Promuovere lavori di semina e di campo di alta qualità se eseguiti con attrezzature professionali: questo è esattamente ciò che Agrifercremona si prefigge. I nostri trattori Fendt, JCB e Claas ti aiuteranno sicuramente in questo. Siamo molto felici di aiutarti ad automatizzare il lavoro sul campo.
+39 0375260855 | View ProfileGUSSOLA, CR, Italy
Unuo InstrumentsSponsor
Unuo Instruments Icon
Manufacturer of footwear testing machine, textile testing machine, toy testing machine.footwear testing equipment/machine, textile testing equipment/machine, toy safety testing equipment/machine
+86 15205060783 | View ProfileRome, Italy
IEMCA designs and produces automatic bar feeders since 1961 and today it is the worldwide leader for every type of application for lathes, machining centers, grindings, gear cutters, and other types of machine tools. The range of IEMCA products dedicated to the turning industry is the widest available in the market and includes automatic bar feeders for single-spindle lathes with fixed and sliding headstocks, for bars up to 20 feet long, diameters between 0.3 mm and 100 mm and beyond, as well as solutions for multi-spindle lathes with up to 8 spindles, and also integrated bar feeders and automatic retrofitting bar feeders for stock reel. With the biggest bar feeder plant in the world, its global presence and more than 550 people committed to develop new innovative technologies to support end users, IEMCA offers a range of highly qualified services throughout the world.
39.0546.698000 | View ProfileFaenza, Emilia-Romagna Italy
Elettropox srlSponsor
Elettropox srl Icon
Elettropox è stata fondata da Enrico Bernardi nel 1975. All'inizio ci occupavamo di vernici a polvere per piccoli forni di stagionatura. Più tardi, nel 1990, quando la generazione ha iniziato a cambiare, abbiamo anche iniziato a diversificare in base alla situazione. Abbiamo quindi introdotto rivestimenti fluorurati. I rivestimenti Elettropox sono ora utilizzati in una vasta gamma di prodotti. Siamo specialisti nei rivestimenti antiaderenti ed anticorrosivi industriali su metalli, utilizzati in vari settori. Usiamo la tecnologia avanzata e più recente per applicare i nostri rivestimenti su varie sostanze. I nostri rivestimenti sono applicati a vari metalli come zinco, rame, ottone, bronzo, alluminio, acciaio, ghisa, ecc. Il nostro rivestimento antiaderente e anticorrosivo viene comunemente utilizzato in vari settori.Siamo rivestimenti antiaderenti e anticorrosivi industriali autorizzati e certificati sui metalli. Soddisfiamo tutti gli standard e i requisiti di qualità internazionale secondo la norma ISO 9001: 2015. È molto importante avere la certificazione per il rivestimento perché riflette che stiamo seguendo tutti gli standard, le pratiche fondamentali, le politiche e le procedure per mantenere la qualità del rivestimento. La certificazione è obbligatoria per garantire ai nostri clienti la qualità e in questo modo possiamo soddisfare le loro aspettative. ISO 9001: 2015 ci fornisce tutti gli standard misurabili e mantenibili necessari per il funzionamento dell'organizz
39 438 841261 | View ProfilePieve di Soligo, Treviso Italy
Valvesonly EuropeSponsor
Valvesonly Europe Icon
Valvesonly Europe is the largest and reputed Valve manufacturer in Italy with strong R&D and customer support. Our Valves are specially designed to meet the needs of the customers. From the toughest weather conditions to the harshest chemicals and they require an extremely low maintenance. Our valves provide resistance and they have extended life to meet the needs of various industries All our valves are tested for zero leakage and they undergo three level testing to make sure that there is no leakage. We supply various types of valves which include custom design valves. We provide you with valves which are cost effective without compromising the quality. Our motive is to supply defect free valves to our customers. We focus mainly on developing high quality products increasing the customer’s confidence and company’s reliability. We have been supplying high quality goods in a consistent way throughout the years. We also follow strict internal standards for manufacturing our valves.
0406928617 | View ProfileMilano MI, Milano Italy
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